Our website has moved!
After over 10 years in business we’ve grown out of our old name, Nurture By Nature Spa and are now Nurture Wellbeing, a wellness space.
Please save our new URL https://www.nurturewellbeingnw.com/
in your browser for easier searching.
See you soon!

*Links below lead to new site.


Hospital Services Currently Unavaialble


By Appointment

We are a community of independent wellness practitioners working in beautiful West Seattle. Nurture Wellbeing is a space for whole healing. We offer therapeutic massage, Reiki energy healing, and Board-Certified Wellness Coaching to support body, mind, and energy. Our cozy studios have been thoughtfully designed to provide a safe and nurtured experience.

We look forward to working with you!

Read more about us on our Practitioner’s Page.

Nurture Wellbeing would like to acknowledge that we are practicing on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People of past and present.
We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.